You can filter explicit search results on Google, like pornography, with the SafeSearch setting. SafeSearch isn’t 100% accurate. But it can help you avoid explicit and inappropriate search results on your phone, tablet, or computer. How SafeSearch worksWhen SafeSearch is on, it helps block explicit images, videos, and websites from Google Search results.When SafeSearch is off, we'll provide the most relevant results for your search and may include explicit content when you search for it. Turn SafeSearch on or off.
Go to. Under 'SafeSearch filters,' check or uncheck the box next to 'Turn on SafeSearch.' .
At the bottom of the page, select Save.Troubleshoot problems with SafeSearch. We do our best to keep the SafeSearch filter as thorough as possible, but sometimes explicit content, like porn or nudity, makes it through. If you have SafeSearch turned on, but still see inappropriate sites or images, let us know.
Report a site. Report an imageIf you’re searching on and see an image you want to report: Computer. On the image results page, click the image you want to report. At the bottom right of your screen, under the related images, click Send feedback.Phone or tablet. On the image results page, tap the image you want to report. At the bottom right, tap More Send feedback.
Hiddekel Morrison explica como activar los nuevos filtros faciales en Instagram. Hiddekel Morrison explica como activar los nuevos filtros faciales en Instagram. TRUCOS NUEVOS de. Hiddekel Morrison explica como activar los nuevos filtros faciales en Instagram. Hiddekel Morrison explica como activar los nuevos filtros faciales en Instagram. TRUCOS NUEVOS de. May 24, 2017 Hiddekel Morrison explica como activar los nuevos filtros faciales en Instagram. Hiddekel Morrison explica como activar los nuevos filtros faciales en Instagram. TRUCOS NUEVOS de.