Illuminati The Game Walkthrough

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Illuminati The Game Walkthrough Average ratng: 5,4/10 8320 reviews
  1. Illuminati Escape Game Walkthrough
  2. Illuminati The Game Walkthrough 3
  • This is the walkthrough of the Official Illuminati place made by Qorm.
  • 2019-6-12  Illuminati Escape Video Walkthrough. If you find any broken link about this game, please report and let us know by contacting us. We will add working link if there is any alternative. You may also report any game bugs or problems about games directly to developers from their websites.

Before we even start, let me tell you that this post contains a lot of spoiler. If you’re looking for a review on why this game is worth your money, please take a look to.This post however, is made exclusively for those who have seen the shine reflected by this little gem from BulkyPix and Four Quarters. This is Please, Don’t Touch Anything. PDTA: The PremiseThere are lots of cartoon series that use the same premise as what PDTA has.

PDTA: The Walkthrough. Thank you for staying with me, reading all my thoughts about PDTA. These are my compiled list how to unlock ending. This list isn’t finished yet. I’m still left with last ending before I’ve finished the game. Nevertheless, please enjoy my list and if you have any question, don’t hesitate to ask. Ending 1, 2, 3.


It all starts with one Red button and a task given to you while your partner is taking short toilet break.There’s no way you can resist pressing when you’re left with just one red button, and nothing else to do. Moreover, when you press the red button, nothing happen beside a switch appears out of nowhere. The rest I believe is what we all love the most from the game.

PDTA: Things I LikeBefore I’m actually spoiling out everything, let me share some of my Before I’m actually spoiling out everything, let me share some of my personal favorite things that I love from PDTA.So my first love is coming from the title itself. For me, the title is clearly stating that this game is all about touching everything.

Please, don’t touch anything clearly is a positive negative statement that ticks off curiosity of people like me.My second love come from the riddle inside PDTA. All the riddles inside have been designed carefully so that every riddles have clear explanations that’s mind blowing and creepy at the same time. I can’t recall myself getting the goosebump feeling just because I was resolving something that I didn’t even know how to resolve.The more you play the game, the more you feel that PDTA is unreal. A highly complex puzzle-box style game that can be compared with game like The Room. There are lots of outcomes and set of secondary puzzles ranging from pattern problems to just plain explanation.Kudos to the creepy devs! PDTA: The WalkthroughThank you for staying with me, reading all my thoughts about PDTA. These are my compiled list how to unlock ending.

This list isn’t finished yet. I’m still left with last ending before I’ve finished the game. Nevertheless, please enjoy my list and if you have any question, don’t hesitate to ask. Ending 1, 2, 3. Don’t touch anything during one minute.

Press the Red Button 20 times. Press the Red Button. A switch appears. Turn it on and press the Red Button againEnding 4. Horror ending.

Press the red button twice. Looking from the instruction board (the one with I III II II III I), enter 132231 into the top keypad. Move the lever to the left. Looking again from the mathematic equation on the Instruction board, enter 8367 to the number keypad. Look again on the instruction board, there’s a star picture on it. Try to create a star with just 5 moves.

Illuminati Escape Game Walkthrough

Check the screenshot below and finish it yourself. Ending 5. Press the Red button 15 times until the hammer comes out. Hammer it to the screen and press the mysterious? Button. You will have some creepy ending thereEnding 6 & 7.

Try again the 132231 combination. Move the lever to the left. Looking again from the mathematic equation on the Instruction board, this time enter 8232 to the number keypad. On the time machine press the left button, repeat again the press the right button.Ending 8. Press the Red Button 8 times, a screwdriver will comes up. With this scredriver, open up the panel on the right side in the board.

Four color (Green, Red, Blue, Yellow) buttons will come out. Follow the number 2 on the instruction board. The GRAB is mistaken with GRBB (in my case, yours could be different). However, that word stands for G=green, R=red, B=blue.

So press the button following this instruction. Ending 9. Go to the number keypad (move lever to the left) and input 8367. This time, at the instruction board look at the number (mine is 1243). Input it into the four number keypad below the panel.Ending 10. This time instead of moving lever to the left, move the lever to the right. Looking at the instruction board, see the WORK and blue black dot.

Input the dots to the bender 0 and 1 panel. Blue color is the 0, Black is 1.Ending 11.

Go again moving the lever to the right. Look the CORRECT word flipped over in the instruction board. Follow the arrow and press the panel with four green buttons.Ending 12. This one you will need to go back to the four number keypad on the bottom of the screen (8367 on the number keypad). To solve this one, go to the instruction board on number 3.

The sequence reads 1=11=21111. This is a bit complicated, but let me explain the first three sequences to you. The second sequence actually reads how many number in the previous sequence.

So, the first sequence has one “1”, says the second sequence. The third, reads the second sequence, “it has two, ‘1’ numbers”, so it stated 21 in the third sequences. How about the last sequence? It reads three “1” numbers, two “2” numbers, and one “1” number.

Illuminati The Game Walkthrough 3

Hence, the last sequence answer is 312211. The fifth sequence is reading our riddle answer. It reads one “1” number, one “2” number, and two “1” numbers. So the answer for our riddle is 1211. The riddle is not finished. The game will reproduce a melody that we should listen. Then, try to reproduce it in this musical panel that just shows up.

The answer is “right-right-middle-left-left-left-middle-right”.Ending 13. Go once again to the number keypad, but don’t press anything yet.

Now press the Red button again until the screwdriver shows up. Now take this screwdriver to screw wire just under the monitor. A screen will appear. Tap the “DON’T DO IT” paper 4 times, and “Pisano Leonardo” will show up. This Pisano Leonardo is also known as “Fibonacci”. To finish this riddle, enter the first 9 digits of Fibonacci in the number keypad. The answer is 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13.

Ending 14. Let’s get back to the 4 green buttons. Now, instead of doing on the top side, let’s press the replective side of the arrow on the bottom buttons. When the sort of digit counter shows up in the right side, press the grey button and wait until you think the counter will reach ‘276’. Ending 19. This ending consists of connection with other ending and will blow you away.


To start, reveal the screwdriver and open up the instruction panel. Notice this four code, B., D1, D7, and.4. This stands for coordinate. So, open up the lever and turn it to the left side to reveal the numeric keypad, enter 8367 to reveal the 7×7 board. Another hint is coming from the mirroring technique at the green board where it will be revealing a D4 upside the red grey button. Enter these informations to the 7×7 board. B4, D1, D4, D7 and last is the F4, because you have to enter 5 informations to the board and the picture would be asymmetrically otherwise.

Now if you notice, the pictures of the endings are actually showing something. Like when the board with “DON’T DO IT” shows up, it actually cuts two pictures and creating numerical code. Enter “4020” from these pictures to the numerical keypad and you will be shown some gold panel. Put the diamond on the right side of the panel and press the button.Ending 20. Ending 24. Use the UV light to shine the DON’T DO IT and you will have DOT highlighted. Try to shine it a little bit below and you will have “MORSE”.

The morse code of DOT is dash dot dot dash dash dash dash. Dash is 1 and dot is 0, so the answer is 100111. Input this to the bender panel.Ending 25Since I haven’t completed all the endings, I still can’t press the Red button and acquired the last ending. However, from what I’ve read, once you’ve completed all the endings, you will only need to press the Red button and you will get the coffee. Still super struggling with “Bomb the City” quest.

WalkthroughNavigation bars are at the very top and bottom of the screenSkull pic - on top right crossboneAll seeing eye pic - left side of pyramidEagle pic - top left of shieldCompass pic - on one of the points of the blue circle (top right)Mars face pic - upper left cornerPentagram pic - between right and bottom points of starSun pic - center of sunMayan pic - upper left corner of screen (not in picture frame)Click light above the door - eye in center of lightClick door and place piecesClick arrow above the completed picture and you’re out! Is most popular and site on the web, posting and sharing for our thousands of visitors every day since 2006 year. We publish daily from different developers and sponsors. There are thousands of addicting in our archive. You can select and from developers you like and you can skip playing any from developers you don't like.

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