Game Title: The Binding of Isaac Afterbirth Plus Developer: Nicalis Platform: Nintendo Switch Download: 610 MB Availability: Retail (NA, EU), Digital (NA, EU) Battery Life: 4-6 hours Supported Modes: TV, Tabletop, Handheld. I’ve come to have a love-hate relationship with The Binding of Isaac. In some runs, I love it and in others, I hate it.
Transform your Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth experience with these special Easter egg seeds. Instead of generating random dungeons, you'll unlock cheat-like effects that alter tons of gameplay factors. Check out the complete list below.The Binding of Isaac is all about randomness. Random items, random upgrades, random enemies, random everything; it's a rogue-like, challenging your weak character to grow into an unstoppable powerhouse by the time they reach the last boss.