Battlefield 1 received its yesterday across all platforms, which included quite the laundry list of changes to the popular shooter. Today, EA announced it has activated its hardcore servers to offer an experience geared towards its elite players.“Playing on a hardcore server, you might not be assisted by a minimap, crosshair, or the ability to spot enemies depending on the server settings,” DICE says in a. This means those who are even considering playing on one of the game’s hardcore servers should be very comfortable with its game mechanics, or else you’re going to have a bad time.Battlefield 1’s hardcore servers launched this morning at 4am PT / 7am ET, so if you’ve been waiting for its release, be sure to check it out later today. November 16, 2016 12:05 PMI don’t know.
I prefer it, and it makes me a lot more careful about running around like a mad man and not taking cover. It makes it easier to kill everybody because they aren't bullet sponges anymore, which I prefer. And if you find yourself constantly getting sniped from afar in hardcore all I can say is, stop standing out in the open and use cover.Plus no 3d spotting, which is an affront to BF games imo. Basically makes stealth and and sneak tactics a dead-end.I was frustrated as fuck with hardcore mode when I first tried it in BF3. Didn't take long to get used it and now I prefer it. Normal is just tedious as fuck to me sometimes.
Battlefield 1 In the Name of the Tsar – the most extensive Battlefield expansion pack so far – brings the Russian army into the fight and will release in September. The third expansion pack, Turning Tides, will be released in December 2017, followed by Apocalypse in early 2018.
Classic mode on BF4 was quite a nice compromise though.Whatever anyway. The same few people have to go on a circle-jerk about how shit hardcore is whenever it is brought up in a thread. Just look at chilln's post below. He makes out 'hardcore people' get mad (haven't seen that in this thread myself, he just replied to vitek calling it casual mode) and then proceeds to rant about how shit the mode is.Maybe he's the one that's mad that not everyone prefers his chosen game mode? That's weird in itself. November 16, 2016 12:12 PMThe game mechanics are balanced around normal mode, or at least around the amount of health players are given in normal mode.
I think reducing everybody's health encourages spray and pray.As far as discouraging running around in the open goes, you don't get away with that in normal mode either. Even a medic's rifle or LMG on a bipod can fuck you up from long range.But yeah, I'm not a fan of 3D spotting, which is why I liked classic mode in BF4. Sadly nobody played after the first couple weeks.
November 16, 2016 12:17 PMWhat? Im not mad about it. I just think youre gimping your skill ceiling by playing casual mode. If you arent good enough for the regular game thats fine.
They have bumper bowling for the people who keep getting gutterballs and they have hardcore for the tacticool kids.You know how you sneak around people without getting 3d spotted? You actually sneak around the whole team. Then youre actually sneaking, not just avoiding 3 players you chose to sneak up on.Bulletsponge?
It takes like 4 shots to kill people, i get that having to adjust to unpredictable spread and annoying (broken) game mechanics like suppression makes aiming harder, but practice, youll get better.People are so defensive about being teased on hardcore. There were so many threads on battlefield forums of hardcore only players mad about no hardcore servers. They were so angry about how the game sucks, and everyone else sucks because they play the regular game, and not a mode that doesnt even exist. November 16, 2016 11:26 AMYup. It's terrible but people get real weird about it. They think the lack of a few Ui features somehow makes the game deeper or something when in reality the reduction in health simplifies things to just slightly above ut instagib.
Maybe bf1 will be different but 3 and 4 were not balanced at all with hardcore in mind and it became a terrible game in hardcore. 1 shot from any sniper rifle at any range on any body part. Shotgun sniping at any range. Removal of location damage. Removal of ballistic damage calculation.Its such a shit show. November 16, 2016 12:35 PMI think maybe you are combining me and chilin inside your brain. I'm not attacking anyone, I genuinely don't give a shit what game mode you or anyone else plays.
I made a post lamenting the addition of hardcore mode. It's not a life issue for me. I think it makes the game weaker overall but it's more a slight disappointment and I would have forgotten about the whole conversation if you hadn't tried jumping up my ass over it.
Chilin seems to be the one antagonizing you so take it up with him. November 16, 2016 12:57 PMi got you. It doesnt bother me though, TBH. Growing up with quake/doom/UT i generally expect if I engage and we both walk away, that we are also both gonna be healed and armored by the next time we see each other anyway and these modern games are opposed to having medkits and stimpacks and bottles of magic beer laying around to restore health. I actually think BF has a good balance of when the healing process begins after combat, and the rate at which it heals.i can see why it would be a big sticking point though. Did you, perhaps, play a ton of counterstrike in your life? I did, and it actually seems like regen health in BF should bother me more than it does and i cant really explain why it doesnt.
November 16, 2016 2:42 PMCounterstrike was the only one that I didn't play very much of on that list you mentioned. IN BF4 I believe it bothered me a tad more when a tank would regen health as well, and probably set me down a path of preferring that mode of combat. After my initial 'whoo hoo' I would have to say 'oh' with the current BF1 hardcore. In BF4 I would never have to work to find out who my team are. Maybe that's the way they want it, but I don't like it. At this point I'm cherry picking my favorite things about BF4 hardcore and hoped they carried over, and for now they have not. November 16, 2016 1:57 PMi wouldn't join a squad that's all assaults.
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I find one that has a mix with no snipers. I'll join one with 1 sniper maybe but if there is only one squad and it has at least 2 snipers in it i'd rather form a new squad or leave the the end of the day we're all here to have fun. I'm not going to force myself to play a class that i don't have fun with or one that i'm not really good at. Also if i'm support in your squad, you can be damned sure that if we are attacking or defending that your grenades and ammo will be topped up whether you made a request or not.also how much time do i have to stick with assault to even unlock an AT gun?
I don't even see it under assault. Where is the AT gun? And again, we are talking about close range. Hopefully you got your shots off and didn't get instantly smoked by like 3 hardpoints facing you on the side of a landship.
If you're talking about the stationary AT guns, you'll likely be sniped without warning before you do any real damage. I unlocked the support's light AT grenade but it was useless and you only get one and i'll be dead before my ammo box replaces it because the throwing arc on that grenade is pitifully short. Best to just let the other vehicles handle it and work on another capture point when you respawn.
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